git2consul alternatives: key-value filesystem syncing for Consul

I've recently been working on a project where a set of application runtime configuration was stored in Consul by using Consul's key-value store functionality. The application could dynamically materialize its configuration at runtime by using consul-template which is another handy tool by Hashicorp. Consul-template permits you "watch" a Consul KV space and automatically render Golang … Continue reading git2consul alternatives: key-value filesystem syncing for Consul

Simple architecture for Docker Swarm and Traefik footprints

If you are just getting started in the world of Docker and are beyond the point of running simple standalone containers that live and die on one host with no container orchestrator managing them for you, then Docker Swarm is a good next step into the world of container orchestration. Its simple to setup, stable, … Continue reading Simple architecture for Docker Swarm and Traefik footprints

Docker container IP and port discovery with Consul and Registrator

Do you use Docker? Does your containerized app have the need to discover both its own IP and one or more mapped ports? How can another container access my exposed ports and how can I do the same of my peers? As it stands today, simple self discovery of your container's accessible IP and one … Continue reading Docker container IP and port discovery with Consul and Registrator

Hazelcast discovery with Consul

I've used Hazelcast for years and have generally relied upon the availability of multicast for Hazelcast cluster discovery and formation (within a single data-center). Recently was faced with two things, expand the footprint into a non-multicast enabled data-center and secondly pre-prep the service for containerization where nodes will come and go as scaling policies dictate … Continue reading Hazelcast discovery with Consul