Fix: HDP, YARN, Spark “check your cluster UI to ensure that workers are registered and have sufficient resources”

Are you trying to submit a Spark job over YARN on an HDP Hadoop cluster and encounter these kinds of errors? (below) If so just add the following 2 lines to your [spark-home]/conf/spark-defaults.conf file:   ERRORS You will see the errors below, stem from the root issue that occurs on an Spark Executor node where … Continue reading Fix: HDP, YARN, Spark “check your cluster UI to ensure that workers are registered and have sufficient resources”

Fix: HDP “Unauthorized connection for super-user: oozie from IP”

Recently have been playing with HortonWorks HDP 2.2. Was starting to configure some oozie workflows and when submitting the job the first step's Hive script failed with this error and stack. To fix this, SSH into your HDP instance VM and edit: /etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml and change the following config to add "localhost". Save and restart the relevant services … Continue reading Fix: HDP “Unauthorized connection for super-user: oozie from IP”

USPS AIS bulk data loading with Hadoop mapreduce

Today I pushed up some source to Github for a utility I was previously working on to load data from USPS AIS data files into HBase/Mysql using Hadoop mapreduce and simpler data loaders. Source @ This project was originally started to create a framework for loading data files from the USPS AIS suite of … Continue reading USPS AIS bulk data loading with Hadoop mapreduce

Reading fixed length/width input records with Hadoop mapreduce

While working on a project where I needed to quickly import 50-100 million records I ended up using Hadoop for the job. Unfortunately the input files I was dealing with were fixed width/length records, hence they had no delimiters which separated records, nor did they have any CR/LFs to separate records. Each record was exactly … Continue reading Reading fixed length/width input records with Hadoop mapreduce